The Libido Cure - Email Swipes
4 emails to choose from + newsletter and social copy
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Subject: Stress vs. Desire
For several years, Firstname, my good friend, Dr. Keesha Ewers, has taught a program I’ll refer to as TLC. [AFFILIATE LINK]
We call this TLC because one of the three words in the program’s title lands everything we would share with you in the spam folder. (It’s hard not to think of this as a conspiracy against women, on some ridiculous level.)
And to some degree, it is. The medical establishment has failed women. They want us to believe that we are at fault for our issues, and that it’s all about hormones.
Know this: YOU CAN become empowered in your own head-to-toe joy and vitality, simply by unlocking the blocks in your life! It is NOT JUST ABOUT HORMONES!
The TLC Course (aka The _____ Cure) [AFFILIATE LINK] is a program designed specifically to help women reclaim and reframe their lives from the top of their head and mind to the tips of their toes – and every cell in between. And that includes their fun, wild side.
Because the #1 thing that’s draining your essential energy?
It’s too much stress.
And the other side of that equation? Too little desire.
No matter how hard you work, how many people you support, or how little self care you practice right now, DESIRE is your re-entry point to a life that screams YES every moment you live it.
This program is your way to feel great in your body again. It is a pathway to create joy and boundless vital energy without medications or surgery – starting from DAY ONE.
>>>>> Click here to learn more and save your seat. [AFFILIATE LINK]
Join, Dr. Keesha Ewers, me, and the amazing community of women already on this journey. I can’t wait to see you there.
PS: My role in my community is to share SUPER easy action steps to help you create a better and more vibrant life – every day. I know this program is part of that vibrancy - from the kitchen, to the bedroom. >>>>> Click here to learn more. [AFFILIATE LINK]
AIM - Email Swipes
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Subject: Health Coaching - Is This Really A Career?
Have you submitted your questions and registered for the Integrative Medicine Health Coaching Q&A? Please click below to participate, as our guest.
The Integrative Medicine Health Coaching Q&A: Why Is This The Future of Healthcare?
Why Dr. Keesha? As you know, we choose those we feature to our community very carefully. In addition to being a best-selling author - and one of the few leaders in healthcare to address childhood trauma as a cause for many chronic conditions, Dr. Keesha also leads one of the world’s pre-eminent health coach certification programs. This is one of the few coach training programs that includes how to order and interpret lab tests (salivary adrenal and hormone testing, complete stool analysis, and food sensitivity testing).
Click here to sign up for the event. LINK
Here’s to your health and happiness – and the impact you will have on the world around you.
PS: Definitely register for the event to get more info about Dr. Keesha’s certification program, and a special invitation from us as well. Click here to sign up for the event. LINK
The Woman's Vitality Summit - Email Swipes
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Subject: [Best invite of 2017] The Woman’s Vitality Summit is back!
The upcoming Woman’s Vitality Summit LINK has been created from the first moment to the last to give you some of the most important, top-notch information to care for your life and health, body and soul, more than ever before.
It is designed to provide you with the tools to create more from life, immediately.
More self-care. More knowledge. More community. And you are invited to attend as my guest.
This is a different kind of online event, and I am thrilled to be one of the speakers. Dr. Keesha Ewers, a leader in women’s health, began this Summit last year, and thousands and thousands of women took part, redefining their health and their lives over the course of 7 days.
Bonuses! I sincerely hope you will participate and take advantage of the powerful bonuses to get you started. The Vitality Cookbook will be sent to you immediately, LINK and a few days after you register, you will have access to the private Facebook group and Dr. Keesha’s Freedom Framework workbook and relaxation recordings - one of the most powerful tools for pain (emotional and physical) and anxiety relief I have ever come across.
I hope you will set aside time each of these days to be fully present, to listen to the amazing interviews and to be part of the inspiring community that is growing up around this event.
Here’s to your BEST life!
PS: This event supported thousands of women to come together in community last year, and you are invited to join that growing circle now. Just click here to say yes and enter the woman’s leadership event of 2017. LINK
WILD - Email Swipes
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Below are Two Emails - please send once, and then the 2nd one to non-opens.
Subject: Find your inner W.I.L.D. woman
What if you could detox all aspects of your life… not just your body?
The W.I.L.D. Woman Program is the most comprehensive detox program you have ever seen. LINK Designed by my good friend, Dr. Keesha Ewers, this program includes many strategies for detoxing your whole life: body, emotional blocks, your environment… everything.
The W.I.L.D. Woman program is delivered in 5 modules over 30 days.
Each week, you integrate into your life the lessons of a new module.
You will begin your journey to emotional freedom with “You Unbroken” LINK
• Stress is inevitable. How do you deal with it?
• This course ensures you are well on your way to detoxing your emotional blocks and toxicity.
• These are the tools you need to become more aware of your emotional world and navigate through difficult situations.
Then you move into Dr. Keesha’s 3 Step Program for “Healing Your Hormones, Your Gut and Your Body from the Inside Out”
• This is based on a three-part formula for health: your genetics, exposure to toxins, and your ability and willingness to detox those toxins that are bombarding you on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
One of my favorite aspects of Dr. Keesha’s program is the support, inspiration, friendship and encouragement she has created with her Facebook community forum.
This is a safe space for everyone in the program to support each other.
You are 30 days away from living your authentic life!
Get W.I.L.D.!
Click here to learn more and join today. LINK
See you on the other side!
PS: One of the coolest aspects of WILD is that you can be in this program as long as you want. There’s no time limit - the program is yours forever. Click here to learn more. LINK
You Unbroken - Email Swipes
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Subject: Emotionally Opened in 10 Days
Dear ,
Life is here, passing through us every day. And if we are NOT our best, we can miss it. My good friend, Dr. Keesha Ewers, created the 10-day You Unbroken course LINK to help guide you and bust out of emotional shackles to totally embrace the MOST vibrant version of yourself.
The You Unbroken LINK program offers video training, audio recordings, and worksheets, to guide you through a trauma healing program to create powerful emotional freedom.
You will also have access to a wonderful, rare online community.
This community is a safe space where you can discuss obstacles and breakthroughs. Celebrate your successes. Reach out to others also participating in the program about your struggles. Share your insights and help others...
Click here to start You Unbroken today. LINK
PS: Are you holding onto a lot of excess baggage?
Well, it’s time to let it go and breathe again. LINK
Freedom to Forgive - Email Swipes
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Copy coming soon.
Stress Busting Tool Kit - Email Swipes
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Subject: Equip Yourself with these Stress Busting Tools
Dear ,
Nearly all illness is stress induced. Did you know that?
Worse, stress is, for almost all of us, unavoidable.
It can affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
….So if it’s unavoidable... let’s give you tools to face it head on!
My good friend, Dr. Keesha Ewers, has created a powerful Stress Busting Tool Kit, LINK designed to tackle stress in a couple of very unique, easy ways.
This program uses one of the most incredible stress-busting, disease reversing, pain relieving technique ever invented, the Autogenic Technique (AT).
This has been used since 1932 to effectively treat migraine headaches, vaginismus, chronic pain, stress induced illnesses, Raynaud's disease, high blood pressure, and more. (It even helped Dr. Keesha to reverse and cure my autoimmune Rheumatoid Arthritis and later my breast cancer, naturally.)
The Program also includes a progressive relaxation audio, a powerful tool for emotional and physical pain relief and anxiety relief. It is also a key tool in reversing autoimmune disease.
Click here to learn more. LINK
I know this is going to change your life.
PS: This program is SUPER affordable.
I know your body, mind and spirit will thank you.
Click here to purchase your Stress Busting Tool Kit. LINK
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