Day 1 - April 3


Dr. Tom O’Bryan
The Autoimmune Fix - How Medicine Has Betrayed You
Dr. O'Bryan is a world expert on gluten and its impact on your health. He is an internationally recognized and sought after speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and the development of Autoimmune Diseases as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of www.theDr.com and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on the Gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages. You can find this info at www.theglutensummit.com.
Dr. O’Bryan is considered the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and metabolic disorders. He is a clinician par excellence in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds adjunct Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of food related disorders and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.
His 2016 critically acclaimed ground-breaking book, ‘The Autoimmune Fix’ outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify our dis-ease process years before the symptoms are obvious.

Razi Berry
Reconnecting to Yourself and to Nature for Healing
Razi Ann Berry is the founder of the award-winning journal Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, The International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine and the naturopathic living health resource NaturalPath ( thenatpath.com)
Her personal journey from illness to health was the catalyst to a career in the field of naturopathic medicine. She has spent the last decade educating people to live healthier more purposeful lives through publications that bring together leaders in natural and preventive medicine, as well as empowering millions of people to embrace the philosophy of “The Healing Power of Nature.”

Amy Medling
Healing PCOS to go from Pain Energy to Diva Energy
As a certified health coach, Amy Medling often hears from women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) who are frustrated and have lost all hope when the only solution their doctors offer is to lose weight, take a pill and live with their symptoms. In response, she has developed a proven protocol of supplements, diet and lifestyle programs that offer women tools to help gain control of their PCOS and regain their fertility, femininity, health and happiness. Visit her at: www.pcosdiva.com

Lucia Griesbach
Empowered Children, Empowered Mommies, Empowered Planet
Lucia G (Griesbach) is a transformational coach working with leaders at home and in the workplace. As the CEO (Consciousness Expansion Officer) of Fearless Mommies, she seeks to empower others through conscious leadership whether you are a parent, an executive or an entrepreneur.
Lucia founded Fearless Mommies in 2013 with a mission to empower moms to live their best lives in order to raise loving, conscious children for a changing new world.
She is trained as an Executive Coach through Royal Roads University. She graduated from University of British Columbia in Project Management with a specialization in Leadership Strategies from the Sauder School of Business. She also has an over 15 yrs of expertise in software and online development.
Lucia is authentic and a masterful coach who intuitively hears what has not been said. Lucia gives you the space to discover and grow, while providing just enough guidance and support to get you there.
The name ‘Lucia’ means ‘light’ — which is what she does – help illuminate your authentic self. She is also a host for The Kickass Moms Summit as well as Abundance Mindset Secrets.

Bridgit Danner
Bringing Vitality Back to Women in Pre-Menopause and Menopause
Bridgit Danner runs an online women’s health community called Women’s Wellness Collaborative. Through this community, she interviews experts in women's health through blogs, videos, podcasts and online summits. Bridgit Danner practiced Chinese Medicine for nearly 12 years and has performed over 12,000 treatments. She is also a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner. She has worked extensively in the fertility field, and has worked with many professional women in helping them find health within their busy lives. Bridgit became passionate about women’s health after her own postpartum health crisis. With the help of life coaching, holistic nutrition, functional medicine and whole food cooking, she was able to recover from postpartum depression, epstein barr virus and adrenal dysregulation. She loves to share the tools and skills she’s learned, along with the tools of other experts, to help women everywhere find the energy and balance they crave. Visit her at: www.bridgitdanner.com.

Dr. Deanna Minich
From Color to Chakras and Food to Mindfulness
Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-recognized lifestyle medicine expert, creative visionary and teacher, and author of five books. Her extensive background in nutrition, yoga, and personal growth led her to create a whole-self, colorful approach to health called Food & Spirit. She developed the Certified Food & Spirit Practitioner Program to provide health professionals with a practical way to apply the Food & Spirit framework with their patients and clients. She is author of Whole Detox, a book based on a whole-life, whole-systems, whole-foods approach to detoxification, as well as on her Detox Summit, the world’s largest online event with 30 leaders in the detox field.
Dr. Minich has a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (Human Nutrition and Metabolism) and a M.S. in Human Nutrition and Metabolism. During her scientific study, she also studied ancient healing arts such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Currently, she is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. She spends her time teaching for her Whole Detox and Food & Spirit programs, the Institute for Functional Medicine and the University of Western States. Her passion is teaching a whole-self approach to nourishment and bridging the gaps between science, spirituality, and art in medicine.