About Bio-Energetic Scanning
NES is really a revolutionary 21st century technology that allows us to see and interact with the body's energetic fields, and then make corrections in the most optimal way. It allows the innate intelligence of your body field to come through. It gives a voice to the body field
You can think of the body field as the scaffolding around a building. We have a collection of fields and we are made of energy. If we could look at ourselves and each other through quantum goggles, what we would see are just waves and geometric patterns of energy emanating from the vacuum of space, condensing to form the manifestation of our physical appearance.
Think of your energy fields as very highly structured scaffolding around which your matter forms and your minds forms. The body mind complex can't be separated, it's all a holistic entity. They form around your energetic structures. What's important about that is when the energy fields are out of balance, and that scaffolding becomes a little out of balance, ultimately that manifests into imbalances at the physical level.

Example bio-energetic scan.
What NES does is work as a master control system of the energetic level. When you make corrections energetically, it provides an opportunity for re-alignment of your structure. We are always moving towards our potential, to our highest growth. That's what NES is able to do, it helps you move into your highest potential.
Contrary to the western medical paradigm and even the functional medicine model, we are not just bodies that are governed by enzymes, hormones, and our nutrition. There are very intricate relationships between the energy fields that emanate from our cells, organs, tissues, emotional states, and how the body actually fits together in the presence of those energy fields.
We can effect change in these energy fields with infoceuticals.
Infoceuticals are mineral infused structured water with information matching the different body fields. They act like a CD. When you take them at the proper dose, they play back the information that the energy field needs to re-align.

You can think of information traveling in your body along energy channels.
Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine both have a deep understanding of these information highways. They call them marma points or meridians. When these channels are blocked, the information doesn’t get to the cells and organs properly and the body, mind, and emotions all suffer.
You can think of this like your daily commute to work or taking the kids to school or sport practices. You go to work same way every day. You get to work at the same time, and everything is fine, you have breakfast at the same time of day. And then one day you leave your house and you get down to your stop sign and you realize that there is a detour. There is road construction. And you have to go somewhere you've never gone before. It takes you two hours longer, you lose a hub cap, you might have a flat on the way. You still get to work, but you've suffered some damage. Our bodies’ energy systems work the same way.
When the energy is blocked or not flowing correctly, then you end up with places where information is not getting through in the best way, it might be scrambled. NES works with the body fields' innate intelligence. We are incredibly intelligent beings. We are self-regulating, we are self-healing, we are self-regenerating. We just need energy and information to make it’s all happening in the right order at the right time.